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"Decorating with Carpets: A Fine Foundation" by Ashley Stark Kenner, Chad Stark and Heather Smith MacIsaac

In decoration, a carpet's influence is never outsized. Offering dreamy inspiration and imaginative solutions to practical design problems, this definitive book on carpet is a handsome, sumptuously illustrated volume that, like its subject, captures great beauty and exudes timeless value. A must for every designer, architect and aficionado of the best in interior design!

  • Written by Stark Senior VP of Design, Ashley Stark Kenner; Stark Senior VP, Chad Stark; and author, editor and designer Heather Smith MacIsaac
  • Filled with beautiful, creative and original carpets in superbly decorated rooms
  • Features the work of the most notable designers, from Dorothy Draper and Albert Hadley to Mario Buatta, Charlotte Moss, Katie Ridder and Steven Gambrel
  • Hardcover
  • 248 pages
  • 10 (W) x 12 (L) inches
  • $ 6000

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